Bai Ya Qi Lan Oolong

1 review

Weight: 75g
Year: 2018
Sale price$30.00
In stock


Storage guide: Store away from strong smells and out of direct light. Best kept in an air tight container.
Oolong Tea

Oolong teas typically involve many more steps during processing, than other tea types. Oolong teas predominantly originate from Fujian, Guangdong and Taiwan.

The appearance and flavours of oolong tea are diverse. Oolongs can range from fresh, floral styles like Tieguanyin, through to dark, almost black teas like many of the Wuyi mountain teas and our Baiyaqilan which have rich caramel notes. These characteristics are achieved through the complex processes including single or multiple finishing bakes which involves considerable skill and art on behalf of the producer.

Oolong tea varietals, the tea plants, vary considerably too from very fine leaves of Tieguanyin to Daye and Foshou varietals whose leaves can be the size of a hand.

Zhangzhou, Fujian 福建省漳州市

Zhenghe, closer to Wuyi than Fuding, and sandwiched between two mountain chains (Wuyi 武夷山 and Jiufeng 九峰山), experiences colder winters than coastal Fuding which, in contrast, is subject to a milder, maritime climate with more rainfall and greater humidity.

Zhenghe (Minbei 闽北) and Fuding (Mindong 闽东) are two main white tea regions in China. Traditional processing styles vary slightly with Zhenghe favouring natural indoor withering while Fuding tea makers commonly employ a combination of both indoor and outdoor (solar/sun) withering. The total growing area in Fuding dwarfs that of Zhenghe producing more than double the volume. Zhenghe Dabai 大白 and Fuding Dabai 大白 are cultivars of choice for both districts; the latter is known for its superior 'downy' aroma and flavour, the former for full-bodied liquors. Due to the upturn in the domestic white tea market, production has now spread into other tea-producing regions, such as Guizhou and Yunnan, though yield and quality remain inconsistent. The best white teas are still produced in the traditional regions.

Brewing Oolong Tea in a Gaiwan

Vessel Capacity: 150 - 200ml
Tea Quantity: 8g (loose leaf)
Water Temperature: 95 - 98c
People / Servings: 4

Medthod: Rinse the tea with a little hot water and then discard it. Next refill the tea pot and follow the infusion times below. For a 120ml Gaiwan you can either keep back 1-2g or add all the leaf. If you add all the leaf, you may want to revise the brewing times slightly (downward) to allow for the fuller flavour. Please note using a Zisha teapot times should be revised downward to allow for time for the liquor to pour from the tea pot.

Infusion Times (in seconds):
1st = 30.
2nd = 30.
3rd = 40.
4th = 50.
5th = 70.
6th = 90.
7th = 120.

Please visit our online tea brewing guide, which includes different methods and infusion times for all tea types.

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